We here at XenonZcar got in contact with a manufacture who has stepped up to reproduce many of the interior trim parts that are no longer available.
These items consist of a thin, white, substrate to which a finish of your choice, is overlaid. Then the white lettering is actually the exposed substrate after being routered. Each has a self-adhesive, peel off backing. You will have to carefully remove the old wood grain overlay from your particular pieces and these go in their place. You can use “Goo Gone” or even WD-40 to remove the old adhesive.
The BodySonic system was featured in the 1984 300zx 50th anniversary edition. Basically, this was a speaker system embedded in the car’s seats, so that you felt the bass through the seat bottom.
Offered in the following
- Burlwood With White Lettering
The burl wood grain vinyl was chosen, out of several manufacturers, as it most closely resembles the OEM finish.
The manufacturer has discontinued the burlwood vinyl, so these items will be limited.
These Items have a 4-6 week manufacturing lead time.